1. Beware the itemized telephone bill, and the number most dialled on your phone.
2. Don't suddenly abandon knickers with questionable elastic for more stimulating smalls.
3. Don't hide your spermicide in your toothpaste tube. You are sure to forget and end up with fluoride in your fallopian tubes, not to mention tooth decay.
4. Take up an evening exercise class, something energetic which definitely involves showering.
5. Choose a hobby with no obvious end product. A year of African craft with no woven baskets at the end of it could be a bit of a give-away.
6. Best not leave your lover's semen-stained pouch (two sizes bigger than your partner's) in your swimming bag... because yes, the dog is sure to sniff it out and bound into the sitting room with it clenched between its teeth.
7. If this does happen, pretend you are a cross-dresser.
8. 'Slut','whore',- remember that these are words used to describe a woman who has the sexual appetites of a man.
9. When feeling cheap and nasty, remind yourself that without infidelity, literature and opera would be up shit creek.
10. Don't appear happier than usual. Nothing gives away an affair faster than frequent smiling for no ostensible reason.
11. Don't indulge in late night whispered conversations on the phone. Can be just abit embarrassing when you get caught saying "I need your hot rod, you wild sex king, you", when you said you were just off to phone your dad.
12. Cover your tracks with thoroughness. Nothing worse than driving along with your significant other and suddenly noticing your lover's upside-down footprints on the car window.
13. Be careful not to call out the wrong name during love-making. Recurrent coital amnesia has blown the whistle on many an illicit love affair.
14. Plan your liaisons with military precision and don't change your behavoiur in any way as this will lead to suspicion.
And, most important of all,
15. Don't be 5 hours late coming home with no alibi.
16. Never tell your girlfriends. Women can't keep secrets. A secret to them is something they tell everyone not to tell anyone.
17. Always lie.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's commonly known that guys are wired differently from women. They speak the language of action and logic, while women are driven by their emotions and feelings, and this can cause all sorts of misunderstandings. But the more you understand where he is coming from, the easier it will be for you to talk to him... and save yourself some major migraines.
If you ask a woman what's up when she is silent and she mumbles back "nothing", she rarely means nothing. In fact, most of the time, it translates as "I'm mad at you, silly. Figure it out!" But while the language of females is layered and ambiguous, men just aren't that complicated. So when he answers "nothing" when you ask :Honey, what are you thinking about?" you can rst assured that he means that - Nothing. Not a thought blipping accross the brain. Or when you have a fight and later ask if he's really sure everything's ok after he has already said, "Yeah, I'm fine", there isn't some secret code that you need to decipher. He is over it. Guys like to put their card on the table, make their point, and move on. So stop trying to analyse his every response and just take them at face value.
And if trying to converse with a guy leaves you feeling more like you're conducting an interview than having a verbal volley, it doesn't mean he is less interested in you than you are in him. It's just another exampke of innate communication chasm between the sexes. Wome ask questions almost 3 times more than men do in conversations, but that's because women ask questions to encourage the other person to talk or to bond, where as men tend to make inquiries on a need-to-know basis. One reason men don't ask questions in intimate situations is because it might lead to an indepth dialogue about feelings - not exactly their favorite subject. But more than that, men are socialised to take action, not to sit around waste time talking. And if they did chat, they might fear they couldn't get a word in edgewise. So they keep their queries to a minimum to avoid being on the receiving end of a blab-athon.
One way to get him talking is to find a new way to talk to each other that breaks the familiar 'She asks, he answers' mold. Saying something like "I need to ask you something. I could really use your input" will not only pique his interest, it will make him feel important. Letting him think he is helping you and not just acting as your personal sounding board is a surefire tactic to get him talking. And make sure you take pauses, so he will feel comfortable offering his opinion.
In a scenario where a guy gets into trouble, he may try to morph into Chris Rock. They believe its a masculine rule to always be in control, hence using humour to diffuse a situation can be a great relief. The use of humour often helps.
As far as confrontation is concerned, men don't mind it, as long as its from other men. But going head-to-head with a woman is about as appealing as having a prostate exam. Men fear confrontation in a relationship. It makes them feel like they are losing power. They also know that when it comes to discussing an 'issue', you have the stamina of a marathon runner on steroids. That's why they try to exit an argument ASAP, while a woman will hash it out for hours.
So when dealing with a man, first plan your strategy, and make sure you talk to him when you're calm and collected, not emotional. Try to be very logical about it, and keep it short and sweet. If afterward he does a little victory dance and bumps your chest with his, please forgive him. That's how guys communicate happiness.
If you ask a woman what's up when she is silent and she mumbles back "nothing", she rarely means nothing. In fact, most of the time, it translates as "I'm mad at you, silly. Figure it out!" But while the language of females is layered and ambiguous, men just aren't that complicated. So when he answers "nothing" when you ask :Honey, what are you thinking about?" you can rst assured that he means that - Nothing. Not a thought blipping accross the brain. Or when you have a fight and later ask if he's really sure everything's ok after he has already said, "Yeah, I'm fine", there isn't some secret code that you need to decipher. He is over it. Guys like to put their card on the table, make their point, and move on. So stop trying to analyse his every response and just take them at face value.
And if trying to converse with a guy leaves you feeling more like you're conducting an interview than having a verbal volley, it doesn't mean he is less interested in you than you are in him. It's just another exampke of innate communication chasm between the sexes. Wome ask questions almost 3 times more than men do in conversations, but that's because women ask questions to encourage the other person to talk or to bond, where as men tend to make inquiries on a need-to-know basis. One reason men don't ask questions in intimate situations is because it might lead to an indepth dialogue about feelings - not exactly their favorite subject. But more than that, men are socialised to take action, not to sit around waste time talking. And if they did chat, they might fear they couldn't get a word in edgewise. So they keep their queries to a minimum to avoid being on the receiving end of a blab-athon.
One way to get him talking is to find a new way to talk to each other that breaks the familiar 'She asks, he answers' mold. Saying something like "I need to ask you something. I could really use your input" will not only pique his interest, it will make him feel important. Letting him think he is helping you and not just acting as your personal sounding board is a surefire tactic to get him talking. And make sure you take pauses, so he will feel comfortable offering his opinion.
In a scenario where a guy gets into trouble, he may try to morph into Chris Rock. They believe its a masculine rule to always be in control, hence using humour to diffuse a situation can be a great relief. The use of humour often helps.
As far as confrontation is concerned, men don't mind it, as long as its from other men. But going head-to-head with a woman is about as appealing as having a prostate exam. Men fear confrontation in a relationship. It makes them feel like they are losing power. They also know that when it comes to discussing an 'issue', you have the stamina of a marathon runner on steroids. That's why they try to exit an argument ASAP, while a woman will hash it out for hours.
So when dealing with a man, first plan your strategy, and make sure you talk to him when you're calm and collected, not emotional. Try to be very logical about it, and keep it short and sweet. If afterward he does a little victory dance and bumps your chest with his, please forgive him. That's how guys communicate happiness.
Monday, August 25, 2008
1. Thou shall not bad mouth his mother to anyone, not even to your best friends. Insulting his sister or his best friend, or his car is also a bad move.
2.Thou shall not write him a soul - baring note saying: "Once I met you, I knew I could put the pain and toxicity of the past behind me. Thank you for giving me back my innocence." Girl, you'll soon see how fast he can run.
3.--- Buy him tickets to his favourite sport and saying "At first, I thought you should take your frinds along, but then I decided I should go with you and find out why you're so obsessed with this game."
4.---Send him a teddy-gram wearing a T-shirt that says, 'I love you beary much,' at work. His colleagues will never let him live it down.
5.---Tidy his bedroom for him, making sure his favourite shirts are hung on coat hangers and those tatty old magazines he hoards are tossed out. You're not his mother and he probably has a good reason for leaving his clothes on the floor.
6.---Suggest that in order to get closer and explore trust issues, you should shave each other's legs. Relationship issues should never be explored with a blade. Plus, he will end up looking really silly.
7.---Restock his fridge with I-care-for-your-heart foods. For instance, replacing his beers and last night's left over beef and potatoed with a bowl of boiled cabbage, fresh carrot juice and brussel sprouts.
8.---Give him a book entitled "What women really want from their men". You will soon discover what men dont want from their women - books like this!
9.---Constantly ask him for airtime but never make an attempt to call him, or worse, beep him.
10.---Try to change a man, for example get him circumcised just because you would like it.
2.Thou shall not write him a soul - baring note saying: "Once I met you, I knew I could put the pain and toxicity of the past behind me. Thank you for giving me back my innocence." Girl, you'll soon see how fast he can run.
3.--- Buy him tickets to his favourite sport and saying "At first, I thought you should take your frinds along, but then I decided I should go with you and find out why you're so obsessed with this game."
4.---Send him a teddy-gram wearing a T-shirt that says, 'I love you beary much,' at work. His colleagues will never let him live it down.
5.---Tidy his bedroom for him, making sure his favourite shirts are hung on coat hangers and those tatty old magazines he hoards are tossed out. You're not his mother and he probably has a good reason for leaving his clothes on the floor.
6.---Suggest that in order to get closer and explore trust issues, you should shave each other's legs. Relationship issues should never be explored with a blade. Plus, he will end up looking really silly.
7.---Restock his fridge with I-care-for-your-heart foods. For instance, replacing his beers and last night's left over beef and potatoed with a bowl of boiled cabbage, fresh carrot juice and brussel sprouts.
8.---Give him a book entitled "What women really want from their men". You will soon discover what men dont want from their women - books like this!
9.---Constantly ask him for airtime but never make an attempt to call him, or worse, beep him.
10.---Try to change a man, for example get him circumcised just because you would like it.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Many people wonder what happens to their wives after they get married. It is said that scientists have discovered a product that instantly diminishes a woman's sex-drive by over 90%. It's called wedding cake.
Many people would agree, so there is a little bit of truth to this joke. And it's not as if its only the women at fault. Many of them complain that their relationships with their husbands cool down very fast. Gone are the days of flirting, cuddling, playing. All he does is complain about his unfulfilled desires and all she does is complain about her unfulfilled emotions. In the end, there is alot of resentment and bitterness-no one is willing to make the first move to take care of the spouse's needs.
That about sums up the accusations between most couples. A man has to contend with having sex with his wife about five times on average a year. "A woman's heart is connected to her genitals while a man works from his genitals outwards," says a certain sexologist, Dr Marlene.
In addition, today's lifestyle makes more demands on women than ever before. They are constantly bust at home and at work. Either that or they are too tired. Some of them work so hard they hardly ever see their partner. The limited time couples do have for each other isn't quality time - because they are exhausted and stressed. And working women often complain men don't do their bit around the house. This doesn't necessarily mean non - working housewives have exciting marriages and sex lives. It is undermined by a sense of guilt about not working. Or they feel that their lives are boring as compared to their working counterparts. On top of that, they feel unappreciated, and tend to become depressed because there are very few challenges in their lives. Depression in turn impairs sex drive.
But women refuse to let it be a one - sided argument. They complain about their men's unkempt habits - smelly breth, foul body odour, smelling of sweat, hands unwashed after going to the toilet. Can you blame a woman for resisting the advances of her libido - killing smelly husband? And they get angry when the women want to talk about it, which means communication is also a problem.
Foreplay - or the lack of it - is another sore point. What happens to a man when they get married? No woman can positively respond to a quick rub here and a grab there. No siree.
Many men have the habit of blaming their wiives of being cold in the bedroom, claiming that it forces them to go to other women for it. The implied threst that "If you don't give it to me I will look for it elsewhere" will definitely leave her feeling cold towards him.
At the beginning of the relationship, men do the chasing with the aim of getting the woman to surrender. But when they get married, all that goes out the window. They stop doing the things they used to do during their courtship.
A man can also become sexually cold if he feels no one needs him. In a competitive or combative situation a man builds up testosterone, the hormone that makes him feel like a man. While he is out there doing a job and earning money for his family he feels he is in control. But if he feels he has no purpose in life, it saps his libido.
A woman's relationship with herself is important. If she is constantly nurturing others, she becomes drained. she needs time for herself.
A sexual lifestyle is not about having sex at the end of the day but about having an intimate connection with your partner throughout the day. If a man's technique is poor or he is not an attentive lover, she will say she is not in the mood and masturbate.
If your sex life is boring, role-play, try other positions, or better still, have enough time to engage in foreplay. Foreplay is more than just arousing your partner. Spend time with your partner, compliment her, joke and play around - generally have fun. Then she will come to bed when she is relaxed. To a woman, that's foreplay.
Emancipated women have higher expectations of marriage and demand the right to a satisfactory relationship. They could try doing things they used to do when they were still courting. Women should also feel free to take the initiative in bed. If your man finds it hard to talk about his preferences, pay attention to what pleases him and do it more often.
A love life that falls into a routine can be one of the biggest turn-offs. Plan romantic or erotic surprises for each other. People often get married with unrealistic expectations and are then disappointed. The real world isn't about candle lit dinners but about helping and appreciating each other. Love needs attention to grow and nurture.
Many people would agree, so there is a little bit of truth to this joke. And it's not as if its only the women at fault. Many of them complain that their relationships with their husbands cool down very fast. Gone are the days of flirting, cuddling, playing. All he does is complain about his unfulfilled desires and all she does is complain about her unfulfilled emotions. In the end, there is alot of resentment and bitterness-no one is willing to make the first move to take care of the spouse's needs.
That about sums up the accusations between most couples. A man has to contend with having sex with his wife about five times on average a year. "A woman's heart is connected to her genitals while a man works from his genitals outwards," says a certain sexologist, Dr Marlene.
In addition, today's lifestyle makes more demands on women than ever before. They are constantly bust at home and at work. Either that or they are too tired. Some of them work so hard they hardly ever see their partner. The limited time couples do have for each other isn't quality time - because they are exhausted and stressed. And working women often complain men don't do their bit around the house. This doesn't necessarily mean non - working housewives have exciting marriages and sex lives. It is undermined by a sense of guilt about not working. Or they feel that their lives are boring as compared to their working counterparts. On top of that, they feel unappreciated, and tend to become depressed because there are very few challenges in their lives. Depression in turn impairs sex drive.
But women refuse to let it be a one - sided argument. They complain about their men's unkempt habits - smelly breth, foul body odour, smelling of sweat, hands unwashed after going to the toilet. Can you blame a woman for resisting the advances of her libido - killing smelly husband? And they get angry when the women want to talk about it, which means communication is also a problem.
Foreplay - or the lack of it - is another sore point. What happens to a man when they get married? No woman can positively respond to a quick rub here and a grab there. No siree.
Many men have the habit of blaming their wiives of being cold in the bedroom, claiming that it forces them to go to other women for it. The implied threst that "If you don't give it to me I will look for it elsewhere" will definitely leave her feeling cold towards him.
At the beginning of the relationship, men do the chasing with the aim of getting the woman to surrender. But when they get married, all that goes out the window. They stop doing the things they used to do during their courtship.
A man can also become sexually cold if he feels no one needs him. In a competitive or combative situation a man builds up testosterone, the hormone that makes him feel like a man. While he is out there doing a job and earning money for his family he feels he is in control. But if he feels he has no purpose in life, it saps his libido.
A woman's relationship with herself is important. If she is constantly nurturing others, she becomes drained. she needs time for herself.
A sexual lifestyle is not about having sex at the end of the day but about having an intimate connection with your partner throughout the day. If a man's technique is poor or he is not an attentive lover, she will say she is not in the mood and masturbate.
If your sex life is boring, role-play, try other positions, or better still, have enough time to engage in foreplay. Foreplay is more than just arousing your partner. Spend time with your partner, compliment her, joke and play around - generally have fun. Then she will come to bed when she is relaxed. To a woman, that's foreplay.
Emancipated women have higher expectations of marriage and demand the right to a satisfactory relationship. They could try doing things they used to do when they were still courting. Women should also feel free to take the initiative in bed. If your man finds it hard to talk about his preferences, pay attention to what pleases him and do it more often.
A love life that falls into a routine can be one of the biggest turn-offs. Plan romantic or erotic surprises for each other. People often get married with unrealistic expectations and are then disappointed. The real world isn't about candle lit dinners but about helping and appreciating each other. Love needs attention to grow and nurture.
Friday, August 1, 2008
My partner works with a female colleague, sometimes spending hours alone with her. This didn't worry me until I met her and she flirted with him infront of me.The other women in his office tell me she has already split up one couple by having an affair with the man. She has no boyfriend and no friends except the men in her department. My boyfriend says she is always asking them to do things for her and they love it. I feel she is playing games, but he can't see a problem.
A friend of mine, Liz has a slightly different problem at work. Her superior, a creative director at work keeps making corny comments. Recently at work, he told her, "Your work just isn't giving me the hard-on im used to", and that was just the tip of the iceberg. But after a few weeks of sexually loaded comments and suggestions, Liz complained to the Managing Director. He dismissed her concerns, saying the creative director was 'incorrigible but very valuable to the company. He suggested that Liz 'lighten up' and focus on the important things if she wanted to make a go of her career in the industry.
Bella, a mother with 2 little boys, and wife says she hardly ever sees her husband because his boss (a female) makes him work longer hours. He and two othe rworkmates. Of course, they are paid extra for the time they put in. When something urgent comes up, even on a holiday or weekend, lady boss calls him up 'to go see to the clients needs'. Bella hates it all, but she says she can't do anything about it because its his job that puts food on the table and clothes on their backs.
So what do you do when your professional life or that of your partner begins to affect your private life?
I have decided that my partner's female colleague has a personality that gets up people's noses and Im not going to try to waste time worrying about possibilities beyond my control. Furthermore, expressing sexual jealousy has a horrible way of putting the idea of infidelity into the innocent mind.
For Liz, life at work became unbearable. Aside from openly joking about her prudishness, her harasser made it quite plain that she wasn't going to cut it.
Her designs were pulled apart and, by way of crude jokes, her ideas were ridiculed. The fact that she had spoken to the MD elicited below the belt retorts from several male colleagues about her lack of humour and sense of fun.
While this scenario may leave some in no doubt that Liz was sexually hasassed, others may believe she should have treated the advances as a joke and pandered to the 'sense of mischief' that all boys have. At least, that way, her life would have been easier and her career more successful.
A complimentary factor that works in a sex pests favour is the fact that, as Liz's story highlights, it's near impossible to draw a clear distinction between behaviour that is sexual harrassment and behaviour that is not. Inappropriateness is in the eye of the beholder.
Bella's problem is a little bit more sophisticated. Short of threatening her husband's boss, she can only try to be more understanding and accomodating of him and his job. Lady boss may not understand that he has other obligations to his wife and kids, so its up to the husband to try to balance the two. Tough, huh?
A friend of mine, Liz has a slightly different problem at work. Her superior, a creative director at work keeps making corny comments. Recently at work, he told her, "Your work just isn't giving me the hard-on im used to", and that was just the tip of the iceberg. But after a few weeks of sexually loaded comments and suggestions, Liz complained to the Managing Director. He dismissed her concerns, saying the creative director was 'incorrigible but very valuable to the company. He suggested that Liz 'lighten up' and focus on the important things if she wanted to make a go of her career in the industry.
Bella, a mother with 2 little boys, and wife says she hardly ever sees her husband because his boss (a female) makes him work longer hours. He and two othe rworkmates. Of course, they are paid extra for the time they put in. When something urgent comes up, even on a holiday or weekend, lady boss calls him up 'to go see to the clients needs'. Bella hates it all, but she says she can't do anything about it because its his job that puts food on the table and clothes on their backs.
So what do you do when your professional life or that of your partner begins to affect your private life?
I have decided that my partner's female colleague has a personality that gets up people's noses and Im not going to try to waste time worrying about possibilities beyond my control. Furthermore, expressing sexual jealousy has a horrible way of putting the idea of infidelity into the innocent mind.
For Liz, life at work became unbearable. Aside from openly joking about her prudishness, her harasser made it quite plain that she wasn't going to cut it.
Her designs were pulled apart and, by way of crude jokes, her ideas were ridiculed. The fact that she had spoken to the MD elicited below the belt retorts from several male colleagues about her lack of humour and sense of fun.
While this scenario may leave some in no doubt that Liz was sexually hasassed, others may believe she should have treated the advances as a joke and pandered to the 'sense of mischief' that all boys have. At least, that way, her life would have been easier and her career more successful.
A complimentary factor that works in a sex pests favour is the fact that, as Liz's story highlights, it's near impossible to draw a clear distinction between behaviour that is sexual harrassment and behaviour that is not. Inappropriateness is in the eye of the beholder.
Bella's problem is a little bit more sophisticated. Short of threatening her husband's boss, she can only try to be more understanding and accomodating of him and his job. Lady boss may not understand that he has other obligations to his wife and kids, so its up to the husband to try to balance the two. Tough, huh?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
If life were a playground - really a playground, I mean - then romance would be a swing and friendship a see-saw. Romantic love is a giddy ride, at least until you hit the ground, when sometimes you can discover you were flying alone all the time. But nobody can keep a see-saw in the air, or even get it off the ground, unless a friend of equal weight and enthusiasm is happy on the other side.
You dont fall in friendship the way you fall in love - you walk into it with your eyes open. Chemistry plays a part, but it is minor compared to its role in romantic relationships. We go into friendship head over hormones and, as a result, we can be in control of our choice of friends.
Friendship means being a friend. You're in it together. Yes, you tell a friend your joys and troubles and if you call yourself a friend, then you listen too, even when you'd rather not.
So, how do you rate your best friends with your partners and do they get along, try to tolerate each other or do you always have to worry about keeping them both happy whenever they are in each other's company?
A perfect life would be if your friends and your significant other got along, but personal experience has decreed that this is not so. My friends hate my boyfriend. They think he is a no-good two-timer and I can do so much better than him. My boyfriend thinks my friends are insane party girls who date too frequently. Im trapped between this battle of wills. I love them both but im being forced to choose between them.
George (not real name), a friend of mine is facing a similar problem. His best friend is a chic and his girlfriend doesnt like her. Worse, they dont even try to get along. They always avoid each other as much as they can. George refuses to choose between them. He says they are both important to him, in their own separate ways. Of course he swears nothing could ever happen between him and his best friend. And I believe him. Afterall there is such a thing as 'just friends'.
Jackie (also not real name), another friend, was telling me only recently how her boyfriend has joined a certain 'clique' of girls. "What's he doing in a girl 'clique' anyway?" According to Jackie, a man is only yours when he is with you. As soon as he closes the door behind him, you can never be sure.
Maybe, but shouldnt people give their partners the benefit of a doubt? Dont people trust their partners anymore? The worst bit of it is that while they are suspicious of their partners, they wont leave them just because their friends said so. Uh-uh. And they wont dump their friends either.
But anybody who's ever been in the position of hating his/her friend's partner knows better than to try to split the couple. Much as he/she doesnt want to see his/her friend get hurt, its always wise to let them make their own judgements or mistakes, otherwise, they will spend the rest of their lives wondering what could have been and blamingyou for it. And you dont want that on your conscience, do you? You dont think you'd get heartfelt gratitude for stopping your friend from making the worst mistake of her life?(Snigger!) The best you'll get is an accusation for teying to ruin her life. Ask me.I've been down that road before.
So what do you do if your best friend and significant other hate each other's guts? Leave them alone. Never talk about one in the other's presence, never hang out with them both at the same time. Keep them away from each other. Dont invite your friends to your wedding. Tough, huh? Well, maybe you can invite them to your wedding, but only because of the gifts.
You dont fall in friendship the way you fall in love - you walk into it with your eyes open. Chemistry plays a part, but it is minor compared to its role in romantic relationships. We go into friendship head over hormones and, as a result, we can be in control of our choice of friends.
Friendship means being a friend. You're in it together. Yes, you tell a friend your joys and troubles and if you call yourself a friend, then you listen too, even when you'd rather not.
So, how do you rate your best friends with your partners and do they get along, try to tolerate each other or do you always have to worry about keeping them both happy whenever they are in each other's company?
A perfect life would be if your friends and your significant other got along, but personal experience has decreed that this is not so. My friends hate my boyfriend. They think he is a no-good two-timer and I can do so much better than him. My boyfriend thinks my friends are insane party girls who date too frequently. Im trapped between this battle of wills. I love them both but im being forced to choose between them.
George (not real name), a friend of mine is facing a similar problem. His best friend is a chic and his girlfriend doesnt like her. Worse, they dont even try to get along. They always avoid each other as much as they can. George refuses to choose between them. He says they are both important to him, in their own separate ways. Of course he swears nothing could ever happen between him and his best friend. And I believe him. Afterall there is such a thing as 'just friends'.
Jackie (also not real name), another friend, was telling me only recently how her boyfriend has joined a certain 'clique' of girls. "What's he doing in a girl 'clique' anyway?" According to Jackie, a man is only yours when he is with you. As soon as he closes the door behind him, you can never be sure.
Maybe, but shouldnt people give their partners the benefit of a doubt? Dont people trust their partners anymore? The worst bit of it is that while they are suspicious of their partners, they wont leave them just because their friends said so. Uh-uh. And they wont dump their friends either.
But anybody who's ever been in the position of hating his/her friend's partner knows better than to try to split the couple. Much as he/she doesnt want to see his/her friend get hurt, its always wise to let them make their own judgements or mistakes, otherwise, they will spend the rest of their lives wondering what could have been and blamingyou for it. And you dont want that on your conscience, do you? You dont think you'd get heartfelt gratitude for stopping your friend from making the worst mistake of her life?(Snigger!) The best you'll get is an accusation for teying to ruin her life. Ask me.I've been down that road before.
So what do you do if your best friend and significant other hate each other's guts? Leave them alone. Never talk about one in the other's presence, never hang out with them both at the same time. Keep them away from each other. Dont invite your friends to your wedding. Tough, huh? Well, maybe you can invite them to your wedding, but only because of the gifts.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ive been having fantasies. About housewives. About being one. How much it would be to just potter around all day making the house look nice? Fiddling about with some flowers; popping to the gym; getting a little squiffy over lunch with the girls, then popping into a boutique, buying some stuff!
Alright, im joking. I know its not really like that. I dont mean to denigrate what homemakers do. I know its hard, hard work, so much that I think it should be given a monetary value. If a man didnt have a handy wife to take care of his children, do his laundry, cook his meals, clean his house and have sex with him, he'd have to pay someone else to do it. (Call me cynical, but i reckon that's the real reason Captain Von Trapp married Maria in "The sound of music"- so he could stop paying her).
But im not the only one having fantasies. At least two of my friends, both well-paid, stressy jobs, have admitted that they would love to just give it all up and be supported by someone else.
It's very fashionable, you know, thw whole domestic goddess thing. Baking your own cakes, making your own cushion covers.
So what's going on? What does it mean? Because when i was 18, the worst insult that could be levelled at another woman was, "All she wants to do is marry some rich man and be a housewife."
Back then, it was all about being ambitious. Whenever I thought of work, I saw myself power-marching down a wide corridor wearing a short red suit and high black stilletos, winking saucily at men in well-cut jackets. I saw myself, swivelling in a black leather chair, my hose-clad legs upon my desk, tapping a pen against my teeth as I made an important phone call. What the phone call might be about was always rather sketchy.
Infact, all the details of 'work' were a little vague, and the only thing I was certain about was the red suit. I had no clue that work might entail being tired or bored or scared or skint. That I'd have to get up early and walk to the taxi stage or brave the cold on a bajaj. Having to look for transport every single morning.
Recently, a survey showed that a high percentage of women in their late 20s would prefer to be housewives than have a career. Apparently, they'd seen their own mothers, products of the second wave of feminism, trying to have it all-home, children, job-and instead just ending up doing it all.
This was gleefully interpreted (by misogynist types?) to mean that the women's movement had been a wate of time: that women didnt actually want careers at all. Never had. But what it really means is that the women's movement didnt go far enough. If we had continued pushing for affordable, safe childcare, for longer maternity leave, for paternity leave, for more flexible working hours and for men to do more housework, it could all be different. Men can have it all. Why? Because women are being housewives to 2 people- their partners and themselves.
So, no wonder a stress free, stay at home life seems attractive. But imagine if we couldnt work.
Maybe this is just a phase we are going through. We are knackered and the whole world doesnt seem safe. Our food is full of mysterious extras, our water polluted, and a retreat to old fashioned values feels like a retreat to safety.
We want to be housewives, but only because we know we dont have to be.
Alright, im joking. I know its not really like that. I dont mean to denigrate what homemakers do. I know its hard, hard work, so much that I think it should be given a monetary value. If a man didnt have a handy wife to take care of his children, do his laundry, cook his meals, clean his house and have sex with him, he'd have to pay someone else to do it. (Call me cynical, but i reckon that's the real reason Captain Von Trapp married Maria in "The sound of music"- so he could stop paying her).
But im not the only one having fantasies. At least two of my friends, both well-paid, stressy jobs, have admitted that they would love to just give it all up and be supported by someone else.
It's very fashionable, you know, thw whole domestic goddess thing. Baking your own cakes, making your own cushion covers.
So what's going on? What does it mean? Because when i was 18, the worst insult that could be levelled at another woman was, "All she wants to do is marry some rich man and be a housewife."
Back then, it was all about being ambitious. Whenever I thought of work, I saw myself power-marching down a wide corridor wearing a short red suit and high black stilletos, winking saucily at men in well-cut jackets. I saw myself, swivelling in a black leather chair, my hose-clad legs upon my desk, tapping a pen against my teeth as I made an important phone call. What the phone call might be about was always rather sketchy.
Infact, all the details of 'work' were a little vague, and the only thing I was certain about was the red suit. I had no clue that work might entail being tired or bored or scared or skint. That I'd have to get up early and walk to the taxi stage or brave the cold on a bajaj. Having to look for transport every single morning.
Recently, a survey showed that a high percentage of women in their late 20s would prefer to be housewives than have a career. Apparently, they'd seen their own mothers, products of the second wave of feminism, trying to have it all-home, children, job-and instead just ending up doing it all.
This was gleefully interpreted (by misogynist types?) to mean that the women's movement had been a wate of time: that women didnt actually want careers at all. Never had. But what it really means is that the women's movement didnt go far enough. If we had continued pushing for affordable, safe childcare, for longer maternity leave, for paternity leave, for more flexible working hours and for men to do more housework, it could all be different. Men can have it all. Why? Because women are being housewives to 2 people- their partners and themselves.
So, no wonder a stress free, stay at home life seems attractive. But imagine if we couldnt work.
Maybe this is just a phase we are going through. We are knackered and the whole world doesnt seem safe. Our food is full of mysterious extras, our water polluted, and a retreat to old fashioned values feels like a retreat to safety.
We want to be housewives, but only because we know we dont have to be.
Ever wondered about getting married - if you're single, that is (of course, silly me - everyone has). Almost every girl dreams about it. After all, we are the ones who beg, hint at it, hunt them down, read to them articles about bad consequenses of ageing on sperm mobility, sweet talk them, all because we want to walk down the aisle. After 6 months of dating, a girl inevitably thinks about it.
What the girls dont realise is that walking down the aisle is like lambs to the slaughter. Its like chicken voting for christmas. Its like walking onto the path of a speeding truck with no brakes.
Not so for men apparently. Men thrive in the institution of marriage. According to the surveys, married men are by average healthier, wealthier, happier and live longer .
But once they are enscosed in this honourable institution, they seem to suffer from sudden memory loss - "Where are my socks?" will be heard booming through your house. There is also that astounding lack of knowlegde in all things culinary. After watching one episode of "Kook and Dine" he insists that the meat must go in before the onions. And when the babies come (and they will!), you'll be bowled over at the amazing male propensity of sleeping through wails that bring your armed askaris climbing through your window.
And silly us - we want all sorts of things we believe is our right during marriage. Like affection. And feeling loved and respected. We want a confident man. A successful man who not only brings home the bread, but the mercedes for you with a bunch of red roses too. A man who can make love all night and make clever conversation by day. A man who can tell a joke, but not be a joke! A man who tells his mother where to go when she says - pointedly looking at you - that he's lost weight. A man who can explore his feelings and care about yours. A friend. A good father. A good dancer. A good kisser.
Well let me tell you what he wants! And this comes straight from a man (well many men). A man wants a wife "to look good, provide great sex, join in his recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful. That/s it!
However, society likes marriages. It keeps us women off the streets and in the kitchen. Besides, some women are still happy to say we'll love, honour and obey! Obey!
But lest I sound like a bonafide spinster, let me add: there is a place for marriage. It's a primitive need to want a man to commit to you, but the contract of marriage is useful for ensuring you have some say over the family resources when you're home burping the babies.
But there's no need to rush. Take your time. Check him out. Check his competition out. See what your friends think.
And while you're evaluating him, drink alcohol for breakfast, eat icecream for supper, kiss lots of boys, have lots of girls nights out - you'll miss all that when it's gone.
What the girls dont realise is that walking down the aisle is like lambs to the slaughter. Its like chicken voting for christmas. Its like walking onto the path of a speeding truck with no brakes.
Not so for men apparently. Men thrive in the institution of marriage. According to the surveys, married men are by average healthier, wealthier, happier and live longer .
But once they are enscosed in this honourable institution, they seem to suffer from sudden memory loss - "Where are my socks?" will be heard booming through your house. There is also that astounding lack of knowlegde in all things culinary. After watching one episode of "Kook and Dine" he insists that the meat must go in before the onions. And when the babies come (and they will!), you'll be bowled over at the amazing male propensity of sleeping through wails that bring your armed askaris climbing through your window.
And silly us - we want all sorts of things we believe is our right during marriage. Like affection. And feeling loved and respected. We want a confident man. A successful man who not only brings home the bread, but the mercedes for you with a bunch of red roses too. A man who can make love all night and make clever conversation by day. A man who can tell a joke, but not be a joke! A man who tells his mother where to go when she says - pointedly looking at you - that he's lost weight. A man who can explore his feelings and care about yours. A friend. A good father. A good dancer. A good kisser.
Well let me tell you what he wants! And this comes straight from a man (well many men). A man wants a wife "to look good, provide great sex, join in his recreational activities and tell him he is wonderful. That/s it!
However, society likes marriages. It keeps us women off the streets and in the kitchen. Besides, some women are still happy to say we'll love, honour and obey! Obey!
But lest I sound like a bonafide spinster, let me add: there is a place for marriage. It's a primitive need to want a man to commit to you, but the contract of marriage is useful for ensuring you have some say over the family resources when you're home burping the babies.
But there's no need to rush. Take your time. Check him out. Check his competition out. See what your friends think.
And while you're evaluating him, drink alcohol for breakfast, eat icecream for supper, kiss lots of boys, have lots of girls nights out - you'll miss all that when it's gone.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Of names and endearments
I once fell in love with a rotter because of the way he said my name. Well, to be honest, it wasn't, strictly speaking, my name. It was the name of a fat little pink pig. "Babe," he would drawl on my phone, and i would sizzle up like a piece of streaky bacon. He was that hot, i believed.
The nice man who, happily, I landed up with has a theory about why it is that men more often call the women in their lives by terms of endearment than women do their men: "Men love their women more than women love them back," he says. What an adorable thought!
However, i have my own theory on why men call their women Angel, sweetheart, sweetie, or even honey. Its because they are worried - ok, petrified - of yelling out another woman's name during sex. Imagine: "Oh Carol!" "No. Its Monica, actually." Or: "Oh Mummy!".A girl could get worried about her man if that happened."Sweetness!" is just so much safer. (Although, a note to men: "Thank you! Thank you!" and "you're marvellous! The best, the best!" is also quite good.)
There's also the theory, held by my married-for-ages friend Tiger (my nickname, not her man's) that women are less likely to call their men names, because they are more likely to be of the obscene, cursing variety.
Come to think of it, even nice pet names can turn nasty. A friend of mine and her man found themselves on a long drive with me in the back seat. To get the full impact of the following bit of dialogue from that drive, I suggest you read it aloud, in a pinched, uptight kind of voice (hers), and a snappy, irritated, married voice (his).
"Angel," she hisses, don't you think you're driving a little too fast?"
"No, my love, I don't!"
"Sweetheart, isn't 140 a teeny bit on the fast side? Darling?"
"Would you prefer to drive the car then, my precious?"
"Now you're doing 150! You sonofabitch! Etcetera.
Really, how bad is it to spread a little gloopiness? Not so terribly awful, as long as the term of endearment is meant as an endearment. So go on, sweetiepies, enjoy!
The nice man who, happily, I landed up with has a theory about why it is that men more often call the women in their lives by terms of endearment than women do their men: "Men love their women more than women love them back," he says. What an adorable thought!
However, i have my own theory on why men call their women Angel, sweetheart, sweetie, or even honey. Its because they are worried - ok, petrified - of yelling out another woman's name during sex. Imagine: "Oh Carol!" "No. Its Monica, actually." Or: "Oh Mummy!".A girl could get worried about her man if that happened."Sweetness!" is just so much safer. (Although, a note to men: "Thank you! Thank you!" and "you're marvellous! The best, the best!" is also quite good.)
There's also the theory, held by my married-for-ages friend Tiger (my nickname, not her man's) that women are less likely to call their men names, because they are more likely to be of the obscene, cursing variety.
Come to think of it, even nice pet names can turn nasty. A friend of mine and her man found themselves on a long drive with me in the back seat. To get the full impact of the following bit of dialogue from that drive, I suggest you read it aloud, in a pinched, uptight kind of voice (hers), and a snappy, irritated, married voice (his).
"Angel," she hisses, don't you think you're driving a little too fast?"
"No, my love, I don't!"
"Sweetheart, isn't 140 a teeny bit on the fast side? Darling?"
"Would you prefer to drive the car then, my precious?"
"Now you're doing 150! You sonofabitch! Etcetera.
Really, how bad is it to spread a little gloopiness? Not so terribly awful, as long as the term of endearment is meant as an endearment. So go on, sweetiepies, enjoy!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Its commonly assumed that the real location of a man's brain is below his belt. So that glazed expression of the man on the bus means only one thing, he's thinking about sex. (Men can launch into a full-blown fantasy just by glancing at a pencil sharpener). Not surprisingly, surveys show men are less adventurous towards sex than their fantasies might at first suggest. They see kindness as a top priority when looking for a partner. A survey by a male psychologist showed men think about sex every 7 minutes, a female psychologist revealed it to be every 20 minutes.Now, which do you believe?
Football. The male-bonding ritual that's thought about, talked about, fought about. For men who normally hold their emotions back, its the perfect outlet: they cry, hug, kiss (both supporters and players) with a passion rarely seen outside the football ground. Sleepless nights are often endured thinking about the form of his team's centre-forward. The staunch allegience to the game can be put neatly into perspective: men spend more on football compared to their partners. Its not a matter of life or death. Its much more important than that.
To get your partner excited, whispre these words in his ear. "Chrome hub caps. Front and rear matching spoilers. 16 valve engine, or this, "sleek wheels, v-8 engine with 500 horsepower,300km/hr". This form of arousal is further demonstrated in a recent survey. It revealed that most men would prefer a new motor to a date with Beyonce. John, a friend and psychology student at Makerere explained this as "they lock away feelings and are more comfortable getting emotional with cars than women". So if you spot your partner tenderly kissing the dashboard of his car, dont worry. Its perfectly healthy. Their loving attachment does, however, have its downsides. Apparently, the severe drop in the male sperm count is partly due to lengthy periods spent driving. One final trip to take with you down lie's motorway: avoid men with personalised number plates that read, "STUD".
Its commonly assumed that the real location of a man's brain is below his belt. So that glazed expression of the man on the bus means only one thing, he's thinking about sex. (Men can launch into a full-blown fantasy just by glancing at a pencil sharpener). Not surprisingly, surveys show men are less adventurous towards sex than their fantasies might at first suggest. They see kindness as a top priority when looking for a partner. A survey by a male psychologist showed men think about sex every 7 minutes, a female psychologist revealed it to be every 20 minutes.Now, which do you believe?
Football. The male-bonding ritual that's thought about, talked about, fought about. For men who normally hold their emotions back, its the perfect outlet: they cry, hug, kiss (both supporters and players) with a passion rarely seen outside the football ground. Sleepless nights are often endured thinking about the form of his team's centre-forward. The staunch allegience to the game can be put neatly into perspective: men spend more on football compared to their partners. Its not a matter of life or death. Its much more important than that.
To get your partner excited, whispre these words in his ear. "Chrome hub caps. Front and rear matching spoilers. 16 valve engine, or this, "sleek wheels, v-8 engine with 500 horsepower,300km/hr". This form of arousal is further demonstrated in a recent survey. It revealed that most men would prefer a new motor to a date with Beyonce. John, a friend and psychology student at Makerere explained this as "they lock away feelings and are more comfortable getting emotional with cars than women". So if you spot your partner tenderly kissing the dashboard of his car, dont worry. Its perfectly healthy. Their loving attachment does, however, have its downsides. Apparently, the severe drop in the male sperm count is partly due to lengthy periods spent driving. One final trip to take with you down lie's motorway: avoid men with personalised number plates that read, "STUD".
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Where to start. I could start with the story of my life which my friends think is dramatic. Right! If only they knew the half of it. But no, i think today i will talk about something that baffles some of us females, and probably has for the last couple of hundred centuries. Boys bits. Then again, i have just broken up with someone, so i feel im justified.
Sometime back i chanced on this guy sitting at the roadside, wearing a pair of blue shorts and a white shirt and jerking off - you know, masturbating. He's one of those old breed of men who never wear underwear, that we thought had died out, and i was thinking - what's the world coming to if people can do that infront of passers-by?
Well, you ever seen one of those squashed out of a pair of shorts? It looked more like something I'd remove from a chicken before i roasted it. The whole arrangement is very poultry - like, you know, the main thing looking like a chicken's neck, the accompaniments kind of goose - bumpy... makes you understand, really, why they call it a cock, doesnt it?
But honestly, did God make boys' bits on a bad hangover or what? He must have really exhausted his creative powers one day on butterflies, sunset and sand beaches, watermelons, horses, then dog-tired, gone out for a few dozen relaxing bloody marys before, the next day, tackling eels, prickly cactus and male genitals. You have worked on a hangover before, you know what its like.
First of all, why did he put them outside their bodies? As a design fault? It can only have been so that irritated women could knee the men in the balls, useful though this might be. What do you do with your testicles when you're riding a bike? Scaling (or worse, failing to scale) the fence? Doing the splits? This external arrangement is nothing less than incredibly inconvenient.
Its also aesthetically questionable. If there's one thing we reallylove about men, its their lean, sinewy, hard edges. So what's all that floppy stuff doing there in the middle suddenly? Its like finding a jelly-tot in your favourite chocolate (another spectacular boo-boo, no doubt perpetrated by someone with a hangover).
Oh sure, bits of it get lean, sinewy and hard, now and again. And sure, most of us like that, now and again - but you know what they say about a time and a place? (If you dont, ask your dad. No, ask your mum). How is it, I sometimes have to wonder, that men can take themselves seriously at all? They may be closing million shilling deals, but all the time, we know that they have, attached to their own bodies, an element that's completely out of their control.
And the really outrageous thing is that they have the nerve to have this obsession with our bodies.I think its high time we turned the tables - get you to wear low-cut shorts and see how you feel, when a chill blows and your balls shrivel and your "cock" turns into a peanut, and we girls nudge each other and go, "check that out!" And passing you in the taxi park or in the office, see how you handle it when we "inadvertently" rub ourselves up against your rounded protruberances, and you get an erection (because its a physical reaction, right?) but still feel somehow insulted.
Dont get too offended, though, boys. While there's absolutely no denying that the joke's on you, its not as if we dont like your soft bits. They look funny, and they do strange and unexpected things, but then again, so do many of our friends. And we still invite them back.
Sometime back i chanced on this guy sitting at the roadside, wearing a pair of blue shorts and a white shirt and jerking off - you know, masturbating. He's one of those old breed of men who never wear underwear, that we thought had died out, and i was thinking - what's the world coming to if people can do that infront of passers-by?
Well, you ever seen one of those squashed out of a pair of shorts? It looked more like something I'd remove from a chicken before i roasted it. The whole arrangement is very poultry - like, you know, the main thing looking like a chicken's neck, the accompaniments kind of goose - bumpy... makes you understand, really, why they call it a cock, doesnt it?
But honestly, did God make boys' bits on a bad hangover or what? He must have really exhausted his creative powers one day on butterflies, sunset and sand beaches, watermelons, horses, then dog-tired, gone out for a few dozen relaxing bloody marys before, the next day, tackling eels, prickly cactus and male genitals. You have worked on a hangover before, you know what its like.
First of all, why did he put them outside their bodies? As a design fault? It can only have been so that irritated women could knee the men in the balls, useful though this might be. What do you do with your testicles when you're riding a bike? Scaling (or worse, failing to scale) the fence? Doing the splits? This external arrangement is nothing less than incredibly inconvenient.
Its also aesthetically questionable. If there's one thing we reallylove about men, its their lean, sinewy, hard edges. So what's all that floppy stuff doing there in the middle suddenly? Its like finding a jelly-tot in your favourite chocolate (another spectacular boo-boo, no doubt perpetrated by someone with a hangover).
Oh sure, bits of it get lean, sinewy and hard, now and again. And sure, most of us like that, now and again - but you know what they say about a time and a place? (If you dont, ask your dad. No, ask your mum). How is it, I sometimes have to wonder, that men can take themselves seriously at all? They may be closing million shilling deals, but all the time, we know that they have, attached to their own bodies, an element that's completely out of their control.
And the really outrageous thing is that they have the nerve to have this obsession with our bodies.I think its high time we turned the tables - get you to wear low-cut shorts and see how you feel, when a chill blows and your balls shrivel and your "cock" turns into a peanut, and we girls nudge each other and go, "check that out!" And passing you in the taxi park or in the office, see how you handle it when we "inadvertently" rub ourselves up against your rounded protruberances, and you get an erection (because its a physical reaction, right?) but still feel somehow insulted.
Dont get too offended, though, boys. While there's absolutely no denying that the joke's on you, its not as if we dont like your soft bits. They look funny, and they do strange and unexpected things, but then again, so do many of our friends. And we still invite them back.
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